Candles in my garden, photo my own,

Capricorn Weather January 2022, New Moon, Venus Retrograde

Capricorn Weather, New Moon, Venus Retrograde in Capricorn The New Moon at 12 degrees Capricorn at 6:35 gmt 2nd January, falls on the heels of New year, that time of year when we look ahead with anticipation at our goals and wishes for the new year. It is that time to start afresh, make improvements, aim to achieve that which we didn’t last year and say goodbye the last year as we welcome in a new one. New Year and New Moons are both intention setting times. New Moon in Capricorn themes are responsibility, commitment, organisation, structuring, focusing and cementing

Harvest Moon september 20th 2021, Coneflowers in my garden

Full Moon and Harvest Moon in Pisces 28 degrees, 11.55pm, UK time, Astrological Perspectives

Pisces Full Moon This full moon in Pisces illuminates the healing, magic, inspiration and dreams to tap into. This is the Full Moon to open up to the collective sea of the unconscious and surrender to something greater than us that we can lose ourselves in. How often are we really in the moment or going with the flow? Think how robotic and mundane life would be without all things of a Neptunian nature, movies, art, glamour, beauty and the imagination. Discovery of Neptune The planet Neptune was discovered during the Romantic Era (1800 to 1850). The Romantic poets were

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, 2020, Astrology

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 30th 2020: Beliefs, Truth and Facts, Astrological Guidance, Natalie Delahaye

Eclipse season kicks off on November 30th 2020 at 9:30am GMT, with a Full moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini at 8 degrees. A lunar eclipse is a full moon or steroids-if a Full Moon represents a  new sentence within our life story, then  an eclipse is a brand new paragraph. A lunar eclipse is not an isolated one day event, rather, it is connected to a cyclical saros cycle that has been building and continues to, over time. The Moon’s nodes, (the Dragon’s head and Dragon’s tail) are points on the ecliptic that are in alignment with an eclipse. In

full Moon in Aries 2020

Full Moon in Aries October 1st 2020: Action and Reaction

It is Aries Full Moon, the Harvest Moon as well as the Hunters moon on 1st October 10:05pm British summer time, and depending on your location in the world, this Full Moon will be happening for you either on 1st or 2nd October. Full Moons bring fullness, fruition, completion and release. Full moons bring exposure, something is illuminated and something is ready to released or balanced. Once a year at the same time each year, is the Aries full moon. Aries Moon Theme Like the new born baby taking its first breath or the first shoot of the seed, the

Leo New Moon 2020, Sun, summer

Leo New Moon 19th August 2020, Forecasts for all zodiac signs. Astrological Guidance for the week ahead.

•New Moons are those times to mentally rehearse what it is that we wish to manifest set intentions on increasing what revitalizes us and brings us joy.•In the sign of Leo, a visual fire sign, it is all about our creative expression. Are we in the driving seat? Are we the stars of our show? This is a time to tap into creative potential and sparkle. •Vision boards are great at this time- Leo is a visual fire sign.•There is a special Grand fire trine, involving the Sun, Moon Mars, Mercury, Saturn and the Nodes. Any planets at 25, 26

Coronavirus:An Astrological Perspective

Us astrologers have known that from the end of 2019 and throughout the whole of 2020, would be trans-formative times for the world. The exact nature of the changes were not so clear. ‘During this transit some things will come to an end or an old order of life will cease. On a material level, this transit often causes financial problems or other kinds of shortages. Sometimes government or other officials will impose heavy burdens that greatly restrict your freedom of movement. It is also possible that some incident or accident may affect your health and thereby restrict your freedom

2020 Vision. New Moon in Aquarius 2020

The New Moon in another opportunity to re-set and refresh our New Year resolutions that will have long term effects into the new decade, manifesting way into the distant future. That sense of fresh beginnings that every New Moon has, seems magnified right now. We are hot on the heels of eclipse season, a very potent time of change. The long awaited for Saturn Pluto conjunction that perfected on 12th January is still in orb, marks the end of a long era. We have a better understanding now of our purpose on a personal and collective level. The recent

Astrological Weather for Sagittarian season: making a vision real

New Moon in Sagittarius, 26th November Making a vision real Welcome to Sagittarius season. The shift from the transformative, intense deep waters of Scorpio month to the expansive, spirited extroversion of Sagittarius season, is noticeable. Sagittarius is mutable fire, binding one season to another, from autumn to winter here in the northern hemisphere. Sagittarius disseminates knowledge, ideas and connections. They infuse others with spirit, through sharing light, truth and visions others and sparking our desire for broader perspectives and wider connections. We all have Sagittarius somewhere in our charts, that will be illuminated by the new moon and from the

Full Moon in Taurus 2020

New Moon in Scorpio, 28th October 2019, Astrological Guidance, Natalie Delahaye

Welcome to Scorpio season, an especially potent time of rebirth and metamorphosis. Whatever our Sun sign (zodiac sign), we all have planets or points in Scorpio, whether natally or progressed that will be lit up by the Scorpio New Moon on 28th October. Astrology is all about the seasons and equinoxes, as above so below and as around us, so within us. In the northern hemisphere, trees are dropping their leaves and everything is going deep back into the earth once more. In the same way this is the time to shed the old and let go. Like a snake

New Moon in Cancer, Solar Eclipse, July 2nd 2019

New Moon in Cancer, Solar Eclipse, Astrological Guidance, July 2nd 2019

Solar New Moon Eclipse in Cancer, July 2nd It is a total  new moon solar eclipse in Cancer, visible in Chile and Argentina. Eclipses are milestone timelines that provide important opportunities for our growth, our breakthroughs and the ongoing journey of our destiny. The cyclical dance of the Sun and Moon reveal the unfolding of our unique life story. The solar eclipse is an amped up New Moon, which plays out for 6 months or more. That which is happening now has echoes of the eclipse 18/19 years ago. Whatever was of importance at that time is up for review