Leo New Moon 2020, Sun, summer

Leo New Moon 19th August 2020, Forecasts for all zodiac signs. Astrological Guidance for the week ahead.

•New Moons are those times to mentally rehearse what it is that we wish to manifest set intentions on increasing what revitalizes us and brings us joy.
•In the sign of Leo, a visual fire sign, it is all about our creative expression. Are we in the driving seat? Are we the stars of our show? This is a time to tap into creative potential and sparkle.

Vision boards are great at this time- Leo is a visual fire sign.
•There is a special Grand fire trine, involving the Sun, Moon Mars, Mercury, Saturn and the Nodes. Any planets at 25, 26 or 27 get activated by this New Moon
Mercury, planet of communication, is playing a starring role: it is all about self- expression and intellect. Write things done, roar, find your voice, express your passion at this time.
•Mars planet of action, energy and confidence is playing an assisting role in this lunation.
•The nodal path, of purpose and karma, aligning to out purpose and karma.
•Saturn is helping to make it real.

With Mars in your sign, you up for any challenge of a physical or intellectual kind. Mars, your ruler is assisting you in getting what you want; building talents and gifts aligned to your heart that you can share with others. Set intentions on increasing what revitalizes you and brings you joy.

The Winds of change are blowing in the home environment. There is lots of change with regard to home, family or property. This is a month of changes and breakthroughs for you with a new- found independence on its way.

You have been receiving a cosmic blessing in recently with Venus in your sign for an extended time, due to retrograde. The missing pieces of the jigsaw are coming together, and you are a tad clearer about how and what to invest in and you are getting a broader picture of your purpose and destiny. One step at a time.

What are you looking to attract?, what do you value and what do you want to manifest? With Venus, planet of attraction gracing your sign, you are starting to feel the beams of happiness, confidence and magnetism. The mood is starting to lighten up.

This is still your birthday month Leo, the Sun is back home after a year’s journey around the zodiac signs.
Creatively and inspirationally this is potentially a recharging, revitalising time for you. Mercury, the cosmic messenger is in your sign, and whether you are receiving messages or delivering them, you are finding your roar, and saying it loud.

If you’re a typical Virgo, you’re anything but lazy, hazy or overly dreamy. Planets in the area of your chart of the meditative side of life, sees you in a reflective, quiet mood. But not for long, as Mercury, your ruling planet leaps into your sign on 20th august and the Sun follows suit on 22nd and you find that mental clarity that feels like a long time ‘a coming.

To be an individual within a group of kindred souls, without losing your identity or seeking the approval of others, is where it is at for you. This is a month for you to put your best foot forward professionally. Expect some well earnt recognition.

There are new starts with your career/job/calling/role. You have the chance to shine in your career, even a moment of fame and recognition from those you respect. This is an energizing time, when new goals professionally are to be focused on.

Buoyantly does it! The Leo New Moon is a time for you to make some fresh plans and look towards future horizons. Travelling invigorates you and replenishes your energy and with Jupiter, your resonant planet of voyages, back-pedaling right now, there are travel limitations that are catalyzing a new way for you to channel your energies and find and find fulfilment.

New Moons are times to start afresh. For you Capricorn it is all about investments of a an emotional as well as financial nature. A deep relationship bond is being put the test, either it is deepening, regenerating or breaking.

Whether it’s the beginning of a new partnership, or new life breathed into existing ones, a new chapter is beginning partnership wise. Uranus, the trailblazer and your ruling planet has now gone retrograde, That brainwave you had a few years ago, that innovative idea that never took shape, is open for re-consideration. During the next 5 months, there are ample opportunities to revisit that idea and take the steps towards making it real.

It is your work, health and day to day routines that are being illuminated right now. It is a great time to begin to take some steps towards long term changes for the better on a physical or mental level. Whether this is joining a meetup group or class, you will find your dream group of likeminded souls.