Candles in my garden, photo my own,

Capricorn Weather January 2022, New Moon, Venus Retrograde

Capricorn Weather, New Moon, Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

The New Moon at 12 degrees Capricorn at 6:35 gmt 2nd January, falls on the heels of New year, that time of year when we look ahead with anticipation at our goals and wishes for the new year. It is that time to start afresh, make improvements, aim to achieve that which we didn’t last year and say goodbye the last year as we welcome in a new one. New Year and New Moons are both intention setting times.

New Moon in Capricorn themes are responsibility, commitment, organisation, structuring, focusing and cementing long term goals and plans. This is the new moon of the reality check, getting real about where we’re going, what is working and what isn’t. This Saturn ruled Moon is constrictive; it is time to eliminate the excessive, and irrelevant and think about what can be applied in a practical way in our lives and what is unrealistic.

A methodical, mountain goat, step by step approach works well right now. Rather than setting too many goals and becoming over-whelmed by the mountain, we can appreciate how far we have already come.

Venus retrograde (until 28th January) in Capricorn builds towards a conjunction with Pluto, starting now and perfecting at the beginning of March. It is a regenerative time relationship wise; whether it is reviving an old relationship, cutting the ties or bonding more deeply, it is a time to be true to your innermost feelings.

Venus retrograde in Capricorn values time management and will sacrifice short term pleasures for long term gains. It is a time for planning ahead socially, romantically and financially and being selective. It’s all about mixing business with pleasure. This is an ideal time to work on relationships (of all kinds), build on them and go deeper with them. It’s a testing time for relationships that don’t have the foundation of respect, responsibility and maturity. Stability, preservation and longevity are the hallmarks of Venus in Capricorn, in business, social and romantic connections.

The Capricorn New Moon’s ruling planet Saturn is in a flowing sextile to Mars assisting us with productivity, discipline and motivation for beginning our 2022 the way we plan to carry on. Make a wish!

Get in touch if you would like your 2022 personal Astrology Forecast with me via zoom.