Blue Full Moon in Libra at 29 degrees, 19th April 2019 It is a Blue full Moon in Libra, a once in a while occurrence that happens when there are more than 1 full Moon a in a month in the same zodiac sign. Relationships are illuminated at this Libran Full Moon; endings, beginnings, revelations, a crossroads, whatever it is it will be a shift. The theme of equilibrium and poise in our interactions and relationships of all kinds comes to the fore. Are we people pleasing (Libra) to the point of not being true to our nature and desires?
New Moon in Pisces 6th March 2019 New moons are times for seeding new ideas, setting new intentions, renewing and starting afresh with goals. We all have 15 degrees Pisces somewhere in our charts, and points and planets that will be activated by the New moon. In Pisces, the fish, we are reminded to go with the flow, and surf the waves. The best results come right now from surrendering to the current of life, letting go and enjoying the ride of the waves. This is a meditative, reflective time of endings, completions and releasing the old to make room
At this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo, we can set our minds and hearts on what we wish to manifest and bring to fruition in our lives. This is an ideal, potent time to set intentions on increasing what revitalizes us and brings us joy. The energies of this heart centred new moon encourages us to express our talents and passion, re- ignite that spark of divinity and have faith and courage in being our unique selves. Themes of this moon are: creativity, holidays, heart’s calling, enjoyment, romance, parties and children. You can liken the monthly new moon to
A very special total eclipse will be visible in the UK, (weather permitting) tonight from 8pm to midnight. What makes it unique, is that it lasts longer than the usual eclipse due to the fact that the moon will pass through the earth’s centre (diameter), rather than above or below, like the normal eclipse path. As all astrologers know, you don’t need to see the eclipse to feel the effects. Lunar Eclipses happen on full moons, with all the themes of fullness, fruition, completions and emotional intensity that full moons carry. However, a lunar eclipse is more like a full
Pisces New Moon New moons are about intention settings, starting afresh and creating new goals. This Pisces New Moon is just days away from the spring equinox, and carries a wealth of yearning, dreams and inspiration for the future of the coming year, amplified by the flowing Jupiter, which is the launch pad on which to aim your arrows far and wide to future hopes and dreams. This is the time to find stillness, space and a pause in the moment and find clarity and perspective amid the noise around you. It could feel like life has been put on
April Astrological Overview Libra full moon 11th April The full moon in Libra, the sign of relating, on April 11th is a relationship themed one, which is about bringing to light the balance of dependence and independence, self and other in our connectedness with others. The moon is on the heels of a Venus square Saturn transit: we could end up sabotaging the very thing that we are desiring through our lack of self- worth and fear of losing our independence. However, the Sun conjunct Uranus does offer us a dose of boldness and leadership to initiate new beginning in
March Horoscopes Virgo Full Moon March 12th It is the last full moon of the astrological year, prior to the spring equinox, when the Sun leaps into Aries. Fruition, culmination and peak moments are hallmarks of full moons. As the door of winter closes, the door of spring opens. The Themes illuminated by Virgo full moon are the importance of