Pisces Full Moon This full moon in Pisces illuminates the healing, magic, inspiration and dreams to tap into. This is the Full Moon to open up to the collective sea of the unconscious and surrender to something greater than us that we can lose ourselves in. How often are we really in the moment or going with the flow? Think how robotic and mundane life would be without all things of a Neptunian nature, movies, art, glamour, beauty and the imagination. Discovery of Neptune The planet Neptune was discovered during the Romantic Era (1800 to 1850). The Romantic poets were
Us astrologers have known that from the end of 2019 and throughout the whole of 2020, would be trans-formative times for the world. The exact nature of the changes were not so clear. ‘During this transit some things will come to an end or an old order of life will cease. On a material level, this transit often causes financial problems or other kinds of shortages. Sometimes government or other officials will impose heavy burdens that greatly restrict your freedom of movement. It is also possible that some incident or accident may affect your health and thereby restrict your freedom
April Astrological Overview Libra full moon 11th April The full moon in Libra, the sign of relating, on April 11th is a relationship themed one, which is about bringing to light the balance of dependence and independence, self and other in our connectedness with others. The moon is on the heels of a Venus square Saturn transit: we could end up sabotaging the very thing that we are desiring through our lack of self- worth and fear of losing our independence. However, the Sun conjunct Uranus does offer us a dose of boldness and leadership to initiate new beginning in