New Moon in Cancer, Solar Eclipse, July 2nd 2019

New Moon in Cancer, Solar Eclipse, Astrological Guidance, July 2nd 2019

Solar New Moon Eclipse in Cancer, July 2nd It is a total  new moon solar eclipse in Cancer, visible in Chile and Argentina. Eclipses are milestone timelines that provide important opportunities for our growth, our breakthroughs and the ongoing journey of our destiny. The cyclical dance of the Sun and Moon reveal the unfolding of our unique life story. The solar eclipse is an amped up New Moon, which plays out for 6 months or more. That which is happening now has echoes of the eclipse 18/19 years ago. Whatever was of importance at that time is up for review

June 2017 Astrological Forecasts + Horoscopes

June Horoscopes Sagittarius Full Moon June 9th This is a full moon bursting with optimism, faith, adventure, buoyancy and joviality. It’s the vision quest moon, the moon for future visions and boundaries expansions Moon in Sagittarius is opposite the sun in Gemini, reminding us of the need to strike the balance between the future and present, unity and diversity. Can we easily translate our philosophical, spiritual and intellectual ideas into everyday language in order to be able to relate to many? Or do our lofty ideas never reach terra firma? In order to connect with many, we need to be