Aquarians are group-orientated individuals who are at their best when working with others. They have a very humanitarian approach to life and are always looking for progress, reform and ways of making the world a better place. In fact this sign is supposedly fifty years ahead of its time; often the rest of the world hasn’t quite caught up with the Aquarian way of thinking as part of them exists in the future. Aquarians may at times break down barriers through their desire for greater freedom of expression. Aquarians can feel uncomfortable with too much emotion. They are extremely loyal


Out of all the signs of the Zodiac, Geminis are the easiest to recognise. It is their incessant chattiness, their social expertise and interest in a diverse range of subjects that gives them away. They normally are youthful looking also. Geminis are the butterflies of the Zodiac, flitting from one flower to another, covering a large surface area but rarely pondering in depth one specific area for fear of missing opportunities. To a Gemini there is a huge, wide world out there that needs to be explored and being tied down to one job, one place and a anything that