31st October 2020, Blue Moon, Full Moon in Taurus 08 degrees with Uranus on Halloween: Supernatural!
The Venusian Taurus full moon illuminates our core values, issues of safety, comfort, our bodies and connection to nature Like an oak tree with strong, fixed roots, the winds of change can be wildly blowing but …it can withstand nature’s elements, its roots go down deep into the earth.
This is an extraordinary Full Moon, being a blue moon as well. A blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month which is quite rare, happening only once every 2 to 3 years.
Full Moons bring things to a head, they are time for balance and letting go. The seasons here in the northern hemisphere are reminding us of this, in the way in which the leaves are falling all around us.
A full Moon happens every month, when the Sun is aligned to the Moon in an opposition. The Sun and Moon represent a sacred marriage. They are always participating in a cyclical dance of separation and union. as they unite, then pull apart, harmonise and separate. As above, so below. The Sun is our spirit and represents how we branch out and receive the fruits of fulfilment. The Moon is our soul and source of emotional intelligence. It is the seat of our intuitive wisdom, what links us to the depths of our roots, to the earth and the vast ocean of oneness with the universe.
The Sun is in regenerative Scorpio opposite the Moon in grounded Taurus, Taurus is tangible and physical, the 5 senses and Scorpio is that which is metaphysical, intangible, and governed by the 6 sense.
The Moon is powerfully exalted in Taurus and the themes are: resources, talents, finances, relationships, self-worth, values. purging that which no longer relevant, being in the moment, following our instinct, building on what we have, transformation and preservation. healing male and female archetypes.
Venus in Libra, Mars in Aries
Venus plays a starring role, being the ruler of this full Moon in Taurus and ideally placed in home sign Libra, opposite Chiron, the asteroid of healing. This is the time for healing male and female archetypes. At its conscious level, Venus in Libra is justice, harmony, diplomacy and can see from others’ perspectives- what unites us rather than what separates us.
At its least conscious, shadow level, it is passive aggressive, and people- pleasing to the point of not being true to our nature, values and desires.
‘The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows it all’. Chinese proverb
Mars at his most conscious level is what fills us with passion, motivation and courage. At its least conscious, shadowy expression, it is selfish, angry and aggression- no wonder it is known traditionally as a malefic.
Mars is what separates us- it is ego driven; it is when we solely consider what we want, rather than care about how our actions and decisions may impact on other people around us.
Mars is the planetary ruler of Sun in Scorpio in his home sign of Aries where he is at his most powerful- yet he is retrograde right now. Mars is a fiery red planet but when retrograde the passion and energy is internalised. Like trying to run on sand, things haven’t moved as fast as usual and new things initiated have been more tricky to get off the ground. Our energy levels may have been lower and, our minds more indecisive than usual
Mars retrograde, things to ponder on at this time.
This is a time to re-think and review our ego.
What if we stop expecting instant gratification?
What if we practise being patient?
What if we need to make decisions based on the greater good rather than our own egoic drives?
These are things to ponder on at this time.
Moon conjunct Uranus
The signature aspect of this lunation is Moon conjunct wild card Uranus, so expect the unexpected and one or two spooky surprises. Uranian transits frequently coincide with intense weather conditions like storms, hurricanes and earthquakes.
I spent many years working as an aromatherapist prior to becoming an astrologer, and I love to combine these wonderful crafts together in written form.
Aromatherapy, herbs for your cauldron

Here are my 3 Choices of Essential Oils for Scorpio Season
Lavender, Patchouli and Frankincense are oils that have a healing and harmonizing effect on Scorpios.
Lavender is a perfect aroma for Scorpio season, being a herb dedicated to Hecate, the queen of the underworld who assists in transitory phases in life, and is the goddess of witches and sorcerers. Add 5 to 10 drops to an evening bath to melt away the stresses of the day and soothe the soul. For insomnia, blend a drop of lavender into a smidgen of base oil and massage onto the soles of the feet to induce deep sleep. Lavender is one of the few essential oils that can be worn neat and is a great addition to your first aid box. Keep close to your cauldron when cooking, it is a magical healer for burns.
Frankincense provides healing and purification for Scorpio. It is an ancient, spiritual plant, that can help Scorpio to release fears, and sever ties to the past that are blocking growth. Frankincense assists in rebirth and empowerment through facing buried issue. Apply to an oil diffuser or inhale directly from the bottle. Frankincense helps to deepen the breath and clear clutter from the mind, making this a perfect incense for your yoga, prayer or meditation session.
Patchouli resonates with Scorpio’s personality. It is deep, sensual, and has a powerful effect on all those who catch its musky scent. It deters moths and even psychic vampires. It is a grounding, earthy resin, that brings you back you from the heavenly heights, right back into your body, making it a perfect oil for spaced out personalities that need some terra firma. It makes an exotic, comforting room fragrance, when diffused or added to a bath to revive the spirit.
Best Wishes to you all. Happy Blue Moon Halloween. Natalie